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12.03.2014, 04:38

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The bureau formally announced the cut Friday.Lake Powell is the second largest engineered reservoir in the by capacity,MCM backpack, it is true that to occur on a daily basis,MCM Backpacks,The one person who demurred from that judgment was ,MCM bags, the often combative second-ranking Republican in the sought on Tuesday to rebrand himself and his party voicing hope that they can work with for the sake of all AmericansWhile not wavering from his conservative principles and desire to tame the record US debt Cantor expressed a new eagerness to help the needy in such areas as education health care immigration and moving up the economic ladder"Over the next two years the House (Republican) majority will pursue an agenda based on a shared vision of creating the conditions for health happiness and prosperity for more Americans and their families" Cantor said in a speech to the a think tankSome mocked Cantor's bid to "rebrand" his party with noting that it was at least Cantor's fourth time to do soBut the Senate's No 3 Democrat hailed the leader's tone and message"If House Republicans can adapt their agenda to match Leader Cantor's words this Congress could surprise people with how productive it can be" Schumer saidThe House Republican leader did not endorse immigration reforms backed by Obama but voiced an openness on the matterCantor said he favored providing "an opportunity for legal residence and citizenship for those who were brought to this country as children and who know no other home"That appeared to represent a reversal for Cantor who in 2010 voted against the which would have cleared the way for such young people to remain in the Cantor gave little ground on any of the other differences between House Republicans and Obama in his speech which his office billed as a major policy address But he offered a marked change in tone and a new willingness to get things done on a number of fronts important to votersRepublicans were hammered in the 2012 election which saw Obama win a second term and Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate The Republican Party was labeled by some critics as "The Party of No" one that preferred gridlock to compromise
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