28.09.2024, 09:20 UTC+2

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06.12.2013, 23:07

what rational voter

what rational voter wouldlet them lawfully retain a Legislative Veto power henceforth,Bottes Ugg Bailey Button, was done to purport to give the Speaker some imaginary swordthat Foreign Rulers can cut and cut away against the rule of law that precludessuch Treason.Ichallenge ANY member of the bar in ANY of the Several States to cite theSupreme Court case that purports to justify the Congress from passing a Budgetwhen the foreseeability of harm to the State is manifest and manifestlyavoidable If the Speaker has reservations about the Nation's spending habitsmaybe he should interrupt Rand Paul proposing Treasonous notions of the Executivebranch or Armed Services killing citizens in SF cafes or Ted Cruz implying ourBill of Rights is not the Supreme Law of the Land

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