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23.01.2018, 11:10

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The question surrounds just how hard-hitting is "Concussion," a film due out in December that dramatizes the forensic pathologist, Dr. Bennet Omalu, who uncovered the fatal effects that repeated head trauma has had on many NFL players. After a New York Times report on Tuesday, based on leaked emails, that Sony blunted parts of the film to avoid upsetting the NFL, Sony fired back on Wednesday.
A handful of football reporters and broadcasters who have seen "Concussion," which opens in December, have backed up Sony's defense of the film.
Ultimately, despite the unprecedented glimpse into these internal dealings, more questions are raised than answered as to whether the development and marketing of "Concussion" is at all different from any other production about a hot-button issue. The leaked emails ran up until December, so they don't cover the last nine months.
Landesman has acknowledged a scene featuring NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was cut from the film. Emails suggest that at one point, he tried to reach out to an NFL executive with the hope of getting more insight into a closed door conversation he sought to dramatize in the film.
In October, Doug Belgrad,Cheap NFL Jerseys, president of Sony's motion picture unit, wrote to a group of executives reiterating their need to fact-check: "If we fudge or embellish the NFL's actions on this issue, it could compromise the success of our pic," he said.
The NFL has declined to comment on the film,China Jerseys Authentic, which will hit theaters in the heart of its upcoming season. It's not believed to have any business relationship with Sony.
"As will become immediately clear to anyone actually seeing the movie,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, nothing with regard to this important story has been 'softened' to placate anyone," said Sony.
Claims that "Concussion" was altered to appease the NFL proved inconclusive following an Associated Press review of the leaked Sony emails regarding the production and positioning of the film.
NBC's Bob Costas, in a statement supplied by Sony, said: "It doesn't appear to me many punches were pulled." Sports Illustrated's Peter King, who has also seen the film, called it "a huge black eye for the NFL."
Concerns were motivated not just by the threat of recourse from the NFL, but in antagonizing the enormous potential audience of movie-going football fans. Emails show planning to promote Smith as "pro-football."
"We always intended to make an entertaining, hard-hitting film about Dr. Omalu's David-and-Goliath story, which played out like a Hollywood thriller," said Landesman in a statement to the AP. "Anyone who sees the movie will know that it never once compromises the integrity and the power of the real story."

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