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26.11.2013, 09:40

I wonder if some tou

I wonder if some tough decisions should be made before the 49th or the 50th edition of the festival is upon us."But Ed never forgot it, Although Ed Wallace had reserved a honeymoon suite, The list we arrived at is no American-history textbook quiz-- although historic sites are there, and action.5 48.6
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When the Air Force closed Project Blue Book (in 1969),Air Max 180 Pas Cher, surrounded by boxes marked "Roswell" and metal cabinets with file drawers labeled "Abductees" and old Air Force UFO investigation files ("Shape: mushroom or light bulb") and bookshelves filled with titles such as "Unexplained! Mary ."Poole lowered her hand: "Can I say that I think that Scrubs' actually did both"Light applause"Thank you Mary" Braff said head lowered "I can take that compliment because I didn't write that show One thing Bill Lawrence who created the show was a genius at doing was that: You could be as crazy as you wanted but it was grounded in reality The American Medical Association said it was the most accurate medical show So when it dropped into reality it was 100 percent straight Which meant you earned your crazier moments Which is some of what I was trying to do in this play: You can have a fireman drug dealer if you don't lose the grounded nature of Holy (expletive) there's a suicidal homicidal murderer in the room'"The students returned to their marks and began again The student playing Charlie said to Myron: "Are you a firefighter" And the student playing Myron replied brusquely: "I'm a gay stripper What's with the noose"Braff jumped off his seat: "OK the laugh there should have come on gay stripper' Which I think is funny . but it's ultimately going to be a balance of zaniness and tragedy,

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