28.09.2024, 15:29 UTC+2

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TMPN enumeration of thermophilic SRB endosporesRadiotracer most potential number enumerations (TMPN, Vester to Ingvorsen, 1998) Were gamed to estimate the abundance of thermophilic endosporeforming SRB in Aarhus Bay sediment samples. Aarhus Bay station M5 surface sediment was diluted with artificial seawater medium (1:1,barbour, W makeup described above), Homogenized and successively passed by way of 2.0, 1.0 in addition 0.5 mesh sieves to facilitate a homogeneous handing them out of slurry medium into tubes. The first tube of each series was inoculated with 1 of pristine sediment and pasteurized at 85 for 30 before the next dilution transfers.
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